USLAB: Enable Cloud trail and Store Logs in S3
In this task, we will enable Cloud trail and store Logs in S3
Step 1: Configure Cloud trail
Go to AWS Service | Under Management & Governance | Click on Cloud Trail
Under AWS Cloud Trail Section | Click on Create a trail
Under Choose Trail Attributes | Trail name: DCLESSONS-Logs , Storage Location: Create New S3 bucket and Select S3 Bucket and Folder | Under Additional Setting : Enable Log File validation and SNS Notification delivery
Under SNS Topic : DCLESSONS-SNS-TOPIC | Keep Rest Setting Default | Click Next
Under Choose Log Events | Event type: Click on Management Events | Under Management Events: Enable Read and Write API Activity | Next
Click on Create Trail
Step2: Browse S3 and check log Activity
Go to S3 Service | Click on Bucket and you will see Cloud taril Bucket
Click to Bucket | you will see Under Object : Cloud Trail Folder | Click On it.

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