Monitoring ACI via REST API

Monitoring ACI via REST API

With the Help of REST API, we can monitor ACI fabric and get the conditions of ACI fabric. We can use Postman to get some information via REST API.

Let’s see how REST API can be used to Monitor ACI fabric.

Monitoring CPU & Memory

With the help of procEntity class, we can extract the APIC current Health status of CPU and Memory.

procEntity object class has following properties:

  • cpuPct: is used for CPU utilization
  • maxMemAlloc: Provides the maximum memory allocated for the system
  • memFree: Provides the maximum amount of memory available for the system

In order to get the APIC CPU and Memory Uses, below REST API call is used

APIC Disk Utilization Monitoring

APIC contains serval disks and related system file. With the REST API, we can easily access to disk space utilization of all partitions on the system.

Below figure describes the REST API call, in order to retrieve information about APIC Disk Utilization.

APIC Interfaces Monitoring

As we know, APIC needs to be connected to two different Leafs for redundancy by two 10 G ports. APIC also has two 1G interface for OOB Connectivity. ACI Configures these interface in to two separate bonded interface

  • Bond0: it is used to bond two 10 G interface.
  • Bond1 : It is used to bond two 1G interfaces.

But in case if you have plan to use in-band management network then Bond0 is separated in to two sub interfaces like one for ACI fabric traffic (bond0.{infra-vlan}) and the other one for in-band management traffic (bond0.{Inband-vlan}).

Below figure describes the REST API call, in order to retrieve information about APIC interface Status.

APIC Cluster State Monitoring

As we know APIC runs in a cluster of three , five , seven , depending upon number of nodes supported in that fabric.  

Below figure describes the REST API call, in order to retrieve information about APIC cluster Status. .

Monitoring Leaf & Spine CPU Utilization

ACI provides a rich set of object class, in order to monitor Leafs and Spine CPU Utilization. Some of the object class has been discussed here.


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