USLAB NSX Manager Installation
Configure the Following as per given task:
- Deploy the NSX Manager OVA over RegionA01-MGMT01 Cluster in ESXi esx-04a.corp.local.
- Register NSX Manager nsxmgr-01a with vCenter vcsa-01a.corp.local
- Prepare a vSphere Cluster for NSX and its registration with vCenter.
- Deploy NSX Controllers (all three specification given in Solution task.
- Prepare Hosts to install the VIBs and Configure and verify VXLAN Tunnel End Points (VTEPs) and Create VXLAN Network Identifier Pools (VNIs) with range 5000 to 5999.
- Create Transport Zones
- View the health of your NSX environment with the NSX Manager Dashboard
Deploy the NSX Manager OVA over RegionA01-MGMT01 Cluster in ESXi esx-04a.corp.local.
Login to the vSphere Web Client with valid credential. Here we will deploy NSX Manager over the RegionA01-MGMT01 Cluster.
- Click on the Hosts and Clusters icon | Right click on RegionA01-MGMT01 cluster and select to Deploy OVF Template.
- Make sure that you have integrated the VMware Client Plug-in installed locally else you will be prompted to install it before proceeding
- Click on the Local file radio button and then click the Browse button to select the file.
- Select NSX Manager OVA File from your local machine which you have downloaded from VMWARE site and then click Open.
- Click Next to continue further.
Click on the name field and enter nsxmgr-01a, it will be the host name of NSX Manager and then click Next to continue.
- Expand the RegionA01-MGMT01 cluster and select esx-04a.corp.local ESXi host then click Next to continue further. This may take a sometime as file is validated.

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