USStrings Overview
Stings are closed collection of Unicode Characters. These string can be enclosed in single, double, or triple quotes.
Example: ‘dclessons’, “dclessons”, ‘’’dclessons’’’, “””dclessons”””
If you have character like ‘ “or \ with in string they can be retained either in two ways.
- Escape it by preceding them with a \
- Prepend the string with ‘r’, showing them this is raw string.
X = ‘Dclessons is, \ ‘very good online portal.\’’
X = r‘Dclessons is ,\ ‘very good online portal.’’
Multistring can be created in three ways.
- Write the string but put \ at end of each line
- Enclosed with in “””” XXXXXX””” or ‘’’ XXXXX’’’
- (‘first msg’ ‘Second string’)
Example 1: Let’s understand how to create Simple and Multi-Line Strings.
String1 = 'Dclessons' print(String1) String2 = 'Dclessons is \'top online webportal' print(String2) String3 = 'Dclessons is top online training ...\ webportal in DataCenter technology' print(String3) String4 = """Dclessons is top online training webportal in DataCenter Technology""" Print(String4) ============================== Result Dclessons Dclessons is 'top online webportal Dclessons is top online training ... webportal in DataCenter technology Dclessons is top online training webportal in DataCenter Technology
Example 2: How to do String Replication.
String1 = 'Dclessons' print(String1*5) String2 = 'dclessons is' String3 = 'Good Online Portal' String4 = String2+String3 print(String4) print(len(String4)) ========================= Result DclessonsDclessonsDclessonsDclessonsDclessons dclessons isGood Online Portal 30
String Numbering
Strings can be accessed via index Value. It starts with 0 Index Value. Negative Index Value is also allowed. Let’s see below example how String are indexed.
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
D |
C |
L |
E |
S |
S |
O |
N |
S |
-9 |
-8 |
-7 |
-6 |
-5 |
-4 |
-3 |
-2 |
-1 |
- Y = X[2] = L
- Y=X[4] = s
- Y = X[-6] = E
Now if you want to slice out some sub-string from main strings , it can be done by using following string functions.
- X[start : End] : It extract from start to End -1
- X[Start:]: it Extract from start to End
- X[:End] : It extract from start to End -1
- X[-Start :] : It extract from –Start ( including ) to End
Example 3: Lets for String X = Dclessons, write a Program to get following output.
- Dc
- Dc
- lesson
- lessons
- snosselcD

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