LAB Creating Virtual Machine

Lab : Create GCP Virtual Machine

Task :

  • create an N1 Series VM Instance with machine type n1-standard-1
  • SSH into Instance and installed tools like RDP and XFCE4
  • Set a Password for your Instance.
  • RDP into the Instance
  • Snapshot and Image Creation from Instance


Create a VM Instance

Login to GCP console | Select your project and click on Virtual Machine | Create Instance

There are three options to create a VM : Google Cloud Console , Google Cloud SDK , or Google Cloud Shell.

Now on Name: dclessons-instance-01 | Region: us-central1 | Zone: us-central-a | Under Machine Configuration: Series: N1 | Machine type: n1-standard-1

Some Partial list of regions are as: asia-east1, asia-east2, asia-south-1, Europe-north1, us-east1, us-east2, us-east3, us-west1, us-east2. Once you select region, zones related to that region must be selected.

Under Boot Disk: Select change | Select OS: Ubuntu | Version: Ubuntu18.04 LTS | Boot disk type: Standard Persistent disk | Size: 10 GB | Click Select

Once Zone is selected, machine type available in that particular zone will be available.  Boot disk option list a default configuration, by clicking Change button bring up the Boot Disk Option dialog to select option described in above figure.  

Under Identity and API access | Service Account: No Service account | Click Create

Once VM is created | click on SSH button under SSH

Once SSH is done , run below commands

Enter the below command to update all the libraries.

sudo apt-get update

Enter the below command to install the RDP configurations.

sudo apt-get install xrdp | If prompted to confirm, press Y and then press Enter.

Enter the below command to install the GUI mode.

sudo apt-get install xfce4

If prompted to confirm, press Y and then press Enter.

Enter the below command to restart the RDP Service.

sudo service xrdp restart

Enter the below command to Switch to the root user.

sudo -s

Enter the below command to configure the password


Choose password as per your desire

Inorder to take the RDP, check the public IP address of the VM and RDP it.


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