USLAB: Configure GCP Cloud Storage Bucket
- Create a Bucket: dclessons-bucket in Region us-central
- Upload a file or images in to it
- Provide public access so that it can be accessed from internet or public
Login to GCP Portal | More Products | Under Storage | Click Cloud Storage | Bucket
Under Bucket Section | Click on Create Bucket
Name Bucket: dcl-bucket1 | Continue | Choose where to Store your Data: Select region | us-central (lowa) | Continue
Under Choose a storage class for your data: select Set a default class Standard | Continue
Under Choose how to control access to objects | uncheck Enforce public access prevention on this bucket | Access Control: Uniform | Continue
Under Choose how to protect object data | Protection tools: None | Create
Navigate to the bucket, click on the Upload files at the left and upload any image file from your local disk.
Once you choose your file and upload it, it will appear like this. As shown below
Click on Permission | Grant Access

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