USVirtual Network Gateway
In Order to connect to Azure Virtual Network , and On-Premises Network via Express Route , Enterprise must create a Virtual Network gateway.
A Virtual network gateway serves two purpose:
- It Exchanges IP routes between networks
- Route Network Traffic
Gateway Types
Once Enterprise plan to create a Virtual Network gateway , We have to provide following setting:
Like Gateway Types (Express Route or VPN traffic ).
VPN: In order to send the encrypted traffic across a public Network , Enterprise should use the Gateway type : Vpn, also called Vpn Gateway. For Site-to-Site , Point-to-Site and Vnet-toVnet connection , Enterprise should use VPN gateway.
ExpressRoute: In Order to send the Network Traffic on Private Connection , Enterprise should use the gateway type : ‘ExpressRoute’. This type of gateway is used when configuring ExpressRoute.
Each Virtual Network can have only one Virtual Network gateway per gateway type. Example : Enterprise can have one Virtual Network gateway that uses -GatewayType Vpn and one that uses -GatewayType ExpressRoute.
Gateway SKUs
When Enterprise wants to create a Virtual network gateway , you need to define the SKu types.
Enterprises must select the Gateway SKu based on their requirement and amount of traffic .
ExpressRoute Virtual Network gateway can use the following SKUs.
- Standard
- HighPerformance
- UltraPerformance
- ErGw1Az
- ErGw2Az
- ErGw3Az
If an Enterprise wants to upgrade their gateway to a more Powerful gateway SKU, Enterprise should use the Resize-AzVirtualNetworkGateway Powershell cmdlet or perform the upgrade directly in ExpressRoute Virtual network gateway Configuration blade in Azure Portal.
Below are the following upgrades supported.
- Standard to High Performance
- Standard to Ultra Performance
- High Performance to Ultra Performance
- ErGw1AZ to ErGw2AZ
- ErGw1AZ to ErGw3AZ
- ErGw2AZ to ErGw3AZ
- Default to Standard.
Also Enterprise can downgrade the Virtual network gateway SKU. Below downgrades are supported.
- High Performance to Standard
- ErGw2AZ to ErGw1AZ
For all other downgrades scenarios , you will need to delete and recreate the gateway and this incurs downtime.

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