USWhat is Docker and it’s Benefits:
Docker is a software platform that is used to Create, Manage and Orchestrate Containers. It is a software that runs on Windows as well as Linux host. Docker helps you to develop, run and ship the applications. The Application run on Docker as Container and container uses the Kernel and OS from base host machine. SO in order to understand, Docker is a layer or software package that runs on your host machine and over Docker container runs which contains Applications.
Docker use case Scenarios:
- Developer generate or develop codes of an applications locally and these codes can be shared with App users via Docker containers.
- App Team uses Docker container to run the code as application in test Environment and produce test result.
- When developer find any bugs, they fix it in development environment and again test in test environment and validate.
- Once testing is completed, Actual tested codes are run in Production environment.
Docker – History:
Docker, Inc. is San Francisco based technology Startup Company formed by entrepreneur named Solomon Hykes who is French Born American Developer.
Earlier Docker was providing services as PaaS Provider named dotcloud. In 2013 due to worse condition of dotcloud, New CEO joined office named Ben Golub who rebranded the company named now as Docker. Inc.
At the time of Writing, Docker has two main Editions:
- Enterprise Editions
- Community Editions
Both has stable release channel, with Quarterly releases. Each Community Releases has support of 4 Month and each Enterprise release has support of 12 months.
From Q1 2017, Docker version follows numbers format like YY.MM-xx for versioning scheme. Let’s say if the release comes in April 2019 than its version will be 19.04-ce for community release.
Docker: Open Source Project (Moby)
Docker has open-source project also called as Docker Project, This Project helps in providing set of tools that has Docker Daemon and Client which you can download from and install it on host machine.
This Project was officially renamed as Moby project at Docker annual conference (DockerCon) in Austin 2017. With this GitHub repo was moved from docker/docker to moby/moby and finally project got its own logo.
Installing Docker:
A docker can be installed on following platform:
Desktop Install:
- Docker for Windows
- Docker for Linux
Server Install:
- Linux Servers
- Windows Server 2016
Here We will see, How Docker is installed on Linux Desktop. For that you must have Ubuntu Virtual Machine with following Version: ubuntu-16.04.6-server-amd64
Once Ubuntu VM is ready, you need to see which version needs to be installed:
- Enterprise Editions
- Community Editions
We will be using Community Editions as this is free and can be used to see all possible Scenarios of Docker.
Open the Linux VM shell:
Older versions of Docker were called docker or docker-engine. If you have this in your system, please uninstall them first using the below command:
$ sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine
Install the linux-image-extra-*packages, which allows Docker to use the aufs storage drivers.

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