USClient Site SaaS Path Performance Statistics
The Cloud OnRamp actively monitors SaaS application performance from each site over multiple paths:
- The WAN Edge router issues HTTP requests to each SaaS application and, over 2 minutes, calculates average loss and latency.
- The vManage collects data and keeps a record of expected average loss and latency values for all SaaS applications.
- vManage assigns a color and vQoE status to each application and path according to the measured loss and latency.
The WAN Edge router calculates a QoE or quality of experience (vQoE) score by using this data. The WAN Edge router accounts for average loss and latency to get this score. vManage collects this data and records expected average loss and latency values for all SaaS applications. If the actual measured loss and latency are less than the expected loss and latency, then a vQoE score of 10 is given. If actual loss or latency is more than the expected loss or latency, then a vQoE score reflects a percentage of the baseline performance on a 10-point scale. vManage assigns a color and vQoE status to each application and path. A vQoE score of 8–10 is green or good, a score of 5–8 is yellow or average, and a score of 0–5 is red or bad.
The WAN Edge router takes the path with the higher vQoE score for any application.
SaaS performance from a client site depends on the SaaS application performance from a gateway site, plus the performance of the path from the client site to that gateway site.
- The gateway WAN Edge uses HTTP to obtain SaaS application performance information.
- The client WAN Edge uses BFD over the IPsec tunnel to the gateway site to obtain client > gateway path performance information.
- The client WAN Edge gets SaaS application performance information via OMP from the gateway site.
The client WAN Edge router looks at the loss and latency on the paths to the gateway sites and the loss and latency to the SaaS applications from the exits on the gateway sites and calculates vQoE scores for each SaaS application and path based on that information. The WAN Edge router picks the optimal path based on this information.

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