USCisco 9XXX Series Software Licences
Below is the Cisco Catalyst 9200L Series licenses and Cisco DNA Premier Software part numbers for ordering Cisco DNA Advantage for the Cisco Catalyst 9200 Series.
Below figure list the part numbers for ordering of Cisco DNA Advantage for the Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series.
Below lists the part numbers for a la carte ordering of Cisco DNA Advantage for the Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series.
Below lists the product IDs for ordering Cisco DNA Advantage licenses for the Cisco Catalyst 3650 Series
Only Cisco Catalyst 6840-X Series, 6880-X Series, 6500-E Series, and 6807-XL Series support Cisco SD-Access. For 6500-E and 6807-XL, Sup 2T and Sup 6T Supervisors are required. Note that Sup 2T uplinks do not support Cisco SD-Access.
Below Figure list the part numbers for ordering Cisco DNA Advantage for the Cisco Catalyst 6840-X, 6880-X, 6500-E, and 6807-XL Series.

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