USLAB:ACI EBGP Routing for External Layer 3 Connectivity
TASK: Follow the below following task to configure eBGP Routing to reach External Network subnets which is behind External Switch.
TASK 1 Create External Routed Network with following details:
- Create External Routed outside network with name DCL-BGP-EXTERNAL-ROUTED-NW on VRF DCLessons_VRF and attach the External Routed Domain you created in previous LAB named DCL-EXTERNAL-ROUTED-DOMAIN.
- Enable BGP
- Use Node profile named DCL-BGP-NODE-PROFILE with Node ID 102, Router-ID and Router-ID as Loopback Interface: checked
- Create BGP Interface Profile named DCL-BGP-INT-PROFILE , Create SVI for Leaf 102/e1/5, encap vlan 114 with ip address
- Create External EPG DCL-BGP-EXTERNAL-EPG with subnet
- Create a e-BGP peering between Leaf-2 and External Router select node 102/1/5 ( with Peer profile and IP, Remote AS 20, Local AS 11.
- Create a Contracts between named DCL-CONTRACT-BGP with subject name SUBJECT-ANY and enable Apply both direction and Reserve filter ports checked also use DCL-FILTER-ANY filter.
- Use the above Contracts on Web_EPG on provided side and External EPG on Consumer side.
- Associate External Routed network to bridge Domain DCLessons_DB and advertise the subnets to External Routed Network.
TASK 1: Create External Routed Network with following details:
Create External Routed outside network with name DCL-BGP-EXTERNAL-ROUTED-NW on VRF DCLessons_VRF and attach the External Routed Domain you created in previous LAB named DCL-EXTERNAL-ROUTED-DOMAIN. Enable BGP
- DCLessons | Networking | External Routed Networks.
- Right-click the External Routed Networks and then select Create Routed Outside
- In the Create Routed Outside wizard Create External Routed outside network with name DCL-BGP-EXTERNAL-ROUTED-NW on VRF DCLessons_VRF and attach the External Routed Domain you created in previous LAB named DCL-EXTERNAL-ROUTED-DOMAIN.
- Select the BGP
Use Node profile named DCL-BGP-NODE-PROFILE with Node ID 102, Router-ID and Router-ID as Loopback Interface: checked
- Click + sign on Node and Interface Profile and create as per following task mentioned DCL-BGP-NODE-PROFILE click on + sign on Node ID and Provide Node ID 102
- check Router-ID as Loopback Interface
- Create BGP Interface Profile named DCL-BGP-INT-PROFILE, use BGP Interface Policy created in TASK 1. Click + on BGP Interface Profile and use the value given in above task.
Click Next Click Next and click Port type SVI and enter Create SVI for Leaf 102/e1/5, encap vlan 112 with ip address
Click Ok, OK, and OK to configure EPG.
Create External EPG DCL-BGP-EXTERNAL-EPG with subnet
- In External EPG Networks, in the External EPG Networks subsection, click the plus sign to create a new entry. In Create External Network wizard use Name field type DCL-BGP-EXTERNAL-EPG
- In the Subnet subsection, click the plus sign to create a new entry. In Create Subnet wizard in IP Address field type use
Create a e-BGP peering between Leaf-2 and External Router select node 102/1/5 ( with Peer profile and IP , Remote AS 20 , Local AS 11.
In the Navigation pane, expand Tenant DCLessons | Networking | External Routed Networks > DCL-BGP-EXTERNAL-ROUTED-NW | Logical Node Profiles | DCL-BGP- NODE-PROFILE.

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