USLAB: ACI Configure Three-Tier Application Profile
TASK: Follow the below following task to complete the ACI Application Profile Configuration.
TASK1: Configure Application Profile with name DCLessons_AP_Profile
- Create the DB_EPG in BD DCLessons_BD and apply contracts DCLessons-Contract-DB-APP on Provided side.
- Create the App_EPG in BD DCLessons_BD and apply contracts DCLessons-Contract-DB-APP on Consumed side and Contract DCLessons-Contract-APP-WEB on provided side.
- Create the Web_EPG in BD DCLessons_BD and apply contracts DCLessons-Contract-APP-WEB on consumed side.
Task1: Configure Application Profile with name DCLessons_AP_Profile
- Go to your Tenant DCLessons | Application Profiles.
- Right-click the Application Profiles and then select Create Application Profile
- In the Create Application Profile wizard, In the Name field type DCLessons_AP_Profile
Create the DB_EPG in BD DCLessons_BD and apply contracts DCLessons-Contract-DB-APP on Provided side.
- In the EPG Subsection, Click + Sign to create one or More EPG.
- Provide Following information to create DB_EPG
- Name: DB_EPG, BD: DCLessons_BD, In Provided Contracts select DCLessons-Contract-DB-APP
- Click UPDATE
Create the App_EPG in BD DCLessons_BD and apply contracts DCLessons-Contract-DB-APP on Consumed side and Contract DCLessons-Contract-APP-WEB on provided side.

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