USACI Configure Filters and Contracts
TASK: Follow the below following task to complete the ACI Filters and Contracts
TASK1: Configure Filters as per following information:
- DCLessons-FILETR-ANY, Name: DCLessons-ANY, Ethertype: unspecified.
- DCLessons-FILETR-ICMP, Name DCLessons-ICMP, Ethertype: IP, IP protocol: ICMP
- DCLessons-FILTER-80, Name DCLessons-80, Ethertype: IP, IP protocol: TCP, Source Port 1012 to 65535 Destination port 80 to 80
TASK 2: Configure Contracts as per following information
- Contract Name: DCLessons-Contract-ANY, Subject Name: DCSUBJECT-ANY, Apply Both Direction: Checked and Reverse Filter ports: Checked and select filter DCLessons-FILETR-ANY.
- Contract Name: DCLessons-Contract-DB-APP, Subject Name: DCSUBJECT-ANY, Apply Both Direction: Checked and Reverse Filter ports: Checked and select filter DCLessons-FILETR-ANY.
- Contract Name: DCLessons-Contract-APP-WEB, Subject Name: DCSUBJECT-ANY, Apply Both Direction: Checked and Reverse Filter ports: Checked and select filter DCLessons-FILETR-ANY.
TASK1: Configure Filters as per following information:
- DCLessons-FILETR-ANY, Name: DCLessons-ANY, Ethertype: unspecified.
- DCLessons-FILETR-ICMP, Name DCLessons-ICMP, Ethertype: IP, IP protocol: ICMP
- DCLessons-FILTER-80, Name DCLessons-80, Ethertype: IP, IP protocol: TCP, Source Port 1012 to 65535 Destination port 80 to 80
Configure filter DCLessons-FILETR-ANY, Name: DCLessons-ANY, Ethertype: unspecified
- Go to your Tenant DCLessons | Security Policies | Filters.
- Right-click the Filters and then select Create Filter
- In Create Filter wizard configure following filter DCLessons-FILETR-ANY, Name: DCLessons-ANY, Ethertype: unspecified
- Click the UPDATE button. Click the SUBMIT button to complete the Create Filter wizard.Repeat the previous three steps to configure rest two Filters as per task requirement.

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